年运2025 &星象塑形与健康 Yearly Forecast 2025 &Astrological Fitness &Well-being (45-95mins)

年运2025 &星象塑形与健康 Yearly Forecast 2025 &Astrological Fitness &Well-being (45-95mins)

¥719.00 - ¥1,519.00
This service provides structured personalised approaches to physical wellness based on your unique astrological horoscope. Personalised Fitness Training Plan will be tailored based on the position of planets for each individual.

We aim to assist you build a fitness regimen and achieve body-mind balance through down-to-earth strategies. We believe a structured daily routine will build you strong with strength and endurance in physical and mental attributes.



实践>理论,一份有温度的星象训练计划助你重新调整自己的人生节奏, 期待你的加入。
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